2016. 02. 26. 11:31 | Általános

Water analysis along the Canal V.

The canal V. which intersect Böddi-szék sodic lake is a long canal. The upper section of it collects water from sodic wetlands area of Dunavecse. We made a series of analysis with field equipment along the canal to gain information about the salt content of the water in the canal in the upper section and wanted also to know whether the salt content changes until the canal reaches our project site.


Sample measurement with the field equipment

The salt content was high on the upper section (3520 mS/cm), and the pH values showed alkalinity (pH= 8,3). It was observable that the water was foamy, like the soapsuds. This phenomenon is caused by the sodium-hydrocarbonate content of the water, which is a characteristic of the sodic water of the Kiskunság.

The water is floamy like the soapsuds:


The salt content however decreased in sample from the water as the canal reached the project area. This attenuation may be the consequence of inflow of less salty water of other canals into the canal V. until it reaches the project site.

Measurements like this complements the data of Water Authority and the hydrological monitoring of the Böddi-szék sodic lake and support the planning process of the translocation of the canal V. with relevant data.





The copyright owners of photos, audio and video recordings and of illustrations are the authors. Any use of them is prohibited, unless a written permission is obtained from the author or the project manager.

Kiskunság National Park Directorate

Krisztina Kiri
project manager

Phone: +36-30/149-3181

E-mail address: kirik@knp.hu