A Sóballa tanösvény a világviszonylatban egyedülálló pannon szikesek legfőbb elemét, a klasszikus fehér vizű szikes tavi vízi élőhely együttest és a környező szikes élőhelyeket, a jellemző növény és állatfajokat mutatja be élményszerűen közeli módon, a Böddi-szék peremén.
In the frame of the project the translocation of 5,9 km section of canal V. crossing through the lakebed of the Pannonic sodic lake will be accomplished (B1,C1) based on Impact Assessments (A1) and Water Right Implementation Plan (A2). The former unused canal section with its drainage ditches will be eliminated and filled in to the surface level of the surroundings, in order to rehabilitate sodic lakebed (C1).
A Sustainable Land Use Plan will be elaborated (A4), which will regulate land use of the site by implementing conservation measures and most importantly the guidelines for the accomplishment of high level grazing.
In order to support the effective grazing, an essential pre-treatment, the reduction of the vegetation of high biomass production (C2) is needed, which will be accomplished in the first half of the project by mowing and shredding, and in case of alkali bulrush the rooting and trampling by a bunch of native mangalica pigs.
To evolve high level grazing for conservation purposes, the establishment or renovation of the infrastructural background of livestock keeping (wooden folds, winter shelter, electric fence system, sweep wells) should be elaborated (A3,C3) and the appropriate grazing livestock population (300 cattle, 300 sheep, 50 donkey) should be established (C4).
For the long term and sustainable conservation management land purchase is planned in 380 hectares extent (B2). Restoration activity will be carried out on the catchment area of the Pannonic sodic lake in order to eliminate fragmentation and disturbance due to ploughlands, and to create grasslands appropriate for grazing (C5). Stands of non-indigenous and invasive plants will be eliminated (C6) from the project site by sophisticated methods, thus improve priority grassland habitat of the catchment area. The results of the conservation measures will be monitored during the project (D1-D3) and the dissemination of aims and results of the LIFE Nature project will be ensured widely (E1-E7).